Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Take my surveys and go on with your projects :)


The assessment of gaze and mutual gaze

There is significant agreement that duration serves to differentiate such terms as glance, look, gaze, leer, and stare, in increasing order.

Methods for measuring facial action

The face is the most commanding and complicated, and perhaps the most confusing. In part, the face is commanding because it is always visible, always providing some information. There is no facial equivalent to the concealment maneuver of putting one's hands in one's pockets.

Non-verbal territories

The spaces covered by gaze projection have not been considered as territories because they are temporary, even fleeting, and they do not appear to be bounded in any tangible way. Yet, if a space is claimed and that claim is respected, no matter how transient the act, a territory has been formed.

The making and breaking human boundries

Human is territorial animal. She defines a space and marks it out for her particular use. She draws visible and invisible boundaries, which she expects others to respect. She will defend a territory against the intrusions of others.

Sunday, April 15, 2007


Eyes tell stories- cameras make them up.
Eyes interpret emotions- cameras stare.

Andy Warhol- what to do with attention when u get it...

Camera stares at boring and exiting.

Movies make emotions look strong and real.

When things happen to you it's like watching TV- u don't feel anything.